Managing Deployments

Create a Deployment

The Create Deployment flow

To create a Deployment via the UI, there are two pathways to start the Create Deployment flow: a) from a Model on the Models page; b) from the Deployments page. Both of these pathways are shown below, after which we will step through the Create Deployment flow.

a) From the Models page:

  1. Navigate to your list of trained Models by clicking Models in the side nav.

  2. Find the model you want to deploy, and click Deploy Model.

b) From the Deployments page:

  1. Navigate to your list of Deployments by clicking Deployments in the side nav.

  2. Click Create Deployment +.

Using the Create Deployment flow

Now that you've started the Create Deployment flow, let's walk through the various options and deploy your Model!

Choose a Model

If you started the flow via the Models page (pathway a above), you'll skip this step since you've already chosen a Model to deploy.

If you started the flow via the Deployments page (pathway b above), you have the option to choose a Model by clicking the Model selector dropdown and selecting the Model you want to deploy.

Choose a Container

Select the base container that will support your trained model to run it as a continuous web service. As both CPU & GPU serving are available, be sure to select the container corresponding to your selected machine type and what your Model was optimized for.

Choose an instance type

Select the GPU or CPU machine type to run your Deployment.

Additional Input Parameters


Instance Count

Select the number of instances to run the Deployment on. Below we chose 3, meaning there will be 3x K80 GPU instances backing this Deployment. Automatic load balancing is provided for all multi-instance deployments.


If applicable, choose a command to run at container launch.

Note: for the Tensorflow/serving base container used here, the command to run the Deployment is unnecessary and thus disabled. This option can be changed when choosing a different base image to deploy on.

Creative Active Deployment

Create Active Deployment (selected by default) means that the Deployment will be created and then automatically run:

Alternately, if you don't want your Deployment to run automatically after it is created, you can click toggle Create Inactive Deployment:

Note: You are only charged for Deployments when they are running.

Enable Basic Authentication

Since your Deployment will run as a continuous web service on the public internet, you may wish to require basic authentication on any requests to it. If so, be sure that Enable Basic Authentication is toggled on and then enter a username and password:

Finally, now that your Deployment is configured, click Create Deployment to create it:

View, Start, & Stop a Deployment

Since Deployments are continuous web services, they can be in multiple states, including Provisioning, Provisioned, Running, Stopped, and Error.

Navigate to the Deployments page in the side nav to see your list of Deployments:

Each Deployment has: a Name and a unique ID; links to its associated Experiment and Model (by ID) that it was created from; its Container Type; Date Created; Status; and Actions you can perform.

To start a Stopped Deployment, click Start from among that Deployment's Actions. The Status will change to Provisioning and, if all goes smoothly, will soon say Running. Learn more about Deployment States.

Click the Deployment's row to show its details:

Each Deployment has its own unique RESTful API. Inference can be performed via the shown endpoint:<your-model-id>:predict. The number of running instances and the instance count are visible as well.

Congrats, you've created a Deployment and can perform inference!

Learn more about a Deployment's RESTful API here.

Edit a Deployment

You can edit a Deployment's attributes, such as the underlying model, the Deployment's name, instance count, etc.

To edit a Deployment, navigate to the Deployments page, find the Deployment you want to edit, and click Edit in the Actions column:

This will launch the Edit Deployment flow, which is nearly the same as the Create Deployment flow. The differences are that the Edit Deployment flow will display the Deployment ID, the Deployment Endpoint, and will always allow you to Choose a Model; and it will not display the Create Active Deployment toggle. (If you want to edit and start a stopped Deployment, save your changes and then click Start back on the Deployments page.)

Besides those differences, you can edit any of the other values of your Deployment just like you did in the Create Deployment flow.

When you are done and want to save your changes, click Edit Deployment at the bottom:

Secure Deployment with Basic HTTPS authentication

The client sends the user name and password as unencrypted base64 encoded text.

Most web browsers will display a login dialog when this response is received, allowing the user to enter a username and password.

To add HTTP authentication to deployment in GUI - at the bottom of the creation page you have to check "Enable Basic Authentication"

Last updated