List Machines
List information about all machines available to either the current authenticated user or the team, if the user belongs to a team. The list method takes an optional first argument to limit the returned machine objects.
params (JSON_STRING)
JSON used to filter machines. Use either this or a combination of following options
machineId (TEXT)
Optional machine id to match on
name (TEXT)
Filter by machine name
os (TEXT)
Filter by operating system used
Filter by machine RAM (in bytes)
cpus (INTEGER)
Filter by CPU count
gpu (TEXT)
Filter by GPU count
storageTotal (TEXT)
Filter by total storage
storageUsed (TEXT)
Filter by storage used
usageRate (TEXT)
Filter by usage rate
shutdownTimeoutInHours (INTEGER)
Filter by shutdown timeout
performAutoSnapshot (BOOLEAN)
Filter by performAutoSnapshot flag
autoSnapshotFrequency [hour|day|week]
Filter by autoSnapshotFrequency flag
autoSnapshotSaveCount (INTEGER)
Filter by auto shapshots count
agentType (TEXT)
Filter by agent type
dtCreated (TEXT)
Filter by date created
state (TEXT)
Filter by state
updatesPending (TEXT)
Filter by updatesPending
networkId (TEXT)
Filter by network ID
privateIpAddress (TEXT)
Filter by private IP address
publicIpAddress (TEXT)
Filter by public IP address
region [CA1|NY2|AMS1]
Filter by region
userId (TEXT)
Filter by user ID
teamId (TEXT)
Filter by team ID
dtLastRun (TEXT)
Filter by last run date
Last updated