Gradient Installer CLI
Gradient Installer is a CLI to set up and manage Gradient private clusters on AWS, GCP, Azure, NVIDIA DGX, and bare metal.
Terraform is used under the hood to setup all the infrastructure. Terraform modules can also be used directly to integrate Gradient into an existing Terraform setup.
Paperspace account with an appropriate billing plan and API key
AWS S3 bucket to store Terraform state
To install the Gradient Installer CLI, run the following command:
Gradient Installer CLI support multiple profiles. To setup the CLI with a different profile run:
Additional Prerequisites
AWS credentials to an S3 bucket to store cluster state information
From Pre-installation steps: artifacts bucket and credentials, SSL certificates or Let's Encrypt Settings
Domain where Gradient will be accessed
DNS provider information to register your Gradient domain
(Optional): Service account credentials for a container registry such as Docker Hub.
Setting up a new cluster
This will prompt you for information to register and create your private cluster.
Setting up or upgrading an existing cluster
Uninstalling a cluster
Last updated