Versioned Data
Versioned Datasets are used to manage the flow of data with your machine learning workloads. Datasets have immutable versions that can be used to track your data as it changes. Dataset version can be used as input to Gradient workloads as well as outputs. Data is stored at a Storage Provider and will be cached on a Gradient cluster's shared storage for a period of time so that data will be available readily on repeated usage.
Within Gradient, Volumes allow various Gradient resources to access a shared Network File System. Storage volumes provide a block-level storage device for use as the primary system drive on a Paperspace VM. Volumes appear to the operating system as locally attached storage which can be partitioned and formatted according to your needs.
Volumes for Notebooks, Workflows, and Deployments -
Gradient Versioned Datasets - These are created by the user for storing ML data, artifacts, models, etc. The data accessible via one or more <user-chosen job-specific directory> path name. Users can create Versioned Datasets directly via the CLI, within the Gradient GUI in the data tab, or even through Workflows to enable regular updates to the file via Github. Versioned Datasets can be stored within Gradient Managed or with a chosen storage provider.
/storage - This is a team-wide shared storage space on the NFS or other Kubernetes Container Storage Interface storage option, such as ceph. This is created and allocated as a Kubernetes PersistentVolume during installation, but can be accessed by the customer afterwards.
Gradient Volumes - These are temporary Workflow run volumes that only exist for the duration of the Workflow run. They are references under the same root paths as Gradient Dataset Versions. Use these volumes to instantiate, access, and upload to temporary storage spaces that facilitate your Workflow without necessitating storing the files/data permanently in one of the persistent storage options.
Volumes accessible by Notebooks only:
/notebook - This is a directory path under the team's /storage root that stores the home directory content of each notebook run. The files in the notebook repo can be cloned directly from Github to efficiently set up your workspace. This is done via the Workspace URL entry box in the Advanced Options section of the Notebook Create page. This is allocated as a temporary subvolume under the main team storage volume.
Team-wide Volumes:
/<team-id>/datasets - this contains cached named versions of the Gradient Datasets. The team can control the size of this cache area. Data stored in the cache is automatically backed up to the configured team Object Storage
Cluster-wide Volumes:
"metrics" - this is a persistent volume where prometheus metrics data is stored.
"share-storage" - team subvolumes are allocated from this cluster-wide persistent volume.
Versions, Tags, and Messages
Datasets have multiple versions that can be referenced. You can specify a message with a new dataset version to provide info around a newly created dataset version. In addition, you can tag a specific dataset version with a custom name as well. Here are the available ways to reference a dataset:
: this will use the latest version of your dataset[dataset-id]:[dataset-version]
: this will the use the specified dataset-version[dataset-id]:[dataset-tag]
: this will use the specified dataset version that the dataset-tag points to
Committed state
Dataset versions have an uncommitted and committed state. When a Dataset is uncommitted, you can modify or add files freely. When a Dataset is committed it will be immutable (will not allow any modifications). This allows workloads to be repeatable and deterministic with the provided Datasets.
Creating a Dataset and Dataset Version
To create a new dataset (one that does not yet have an ID) in the GUI, go to the Data tab in your team's page and click "Create a Dataset". This brings up a window to give it a name, optional description, and select the storage provider on which it will be created.
If the team already has datasets, there is a similar "Add" button. The resulting screen after creation allows you to upload files, or you can just retrieve the dataset ID for use elsewhere.
Importing data, or adding it in some other way such as a Workflow output, will create a new version of the dataset.
Using Datasets
You can use existing Datasets or create new ones. In the below scenarios, the following dataset actions are specified:
dst123abc:latest will be mounted to: /inputs/my-dataset
dst123abc:latest will be created by job-1 and mounted to job-2 at: /inputs/my-created-dataset
Viewing Datasets
Viewing Dataset files
Last updated